District Coordinators
PBIS in Maryland was built through local expertise informing how this multi-tiered approach to organizing and integrating data, systems, and practices contextually fit within the local school context. Across Maryland, PBIS District Coordinators are often referred to as the PBIS Point of Contact (PoC).
The PBIS POC is an essential resource within each educational system and serves as the system’s main contact with PBIS Maryland. PBIS POCs (or District Coordinators) are active members of the PBIS Maryland State Leadership Team (SLT) where they serve as the voice of the local educational systems to inform state coordinated efforts. The PBIS POC is responsible for communicating the procedures and protocols, related to PBIS, throughout their school system. Additionally, POCs provide support to district and/or school-based PBIS coaches to assist efficient and effective teaming, and overall fidelity of implementation. Click here.